We do all the management of the door to door process, following every step of cargo, from its origin to the final destination. Through efficient management, we make it possible to reduce costs, avoiding risks and providing greater agility to processes involving logistics activity.
We provide full support during the import procedures. Through meticulous planning of customs operations, we analyze all the details of the documentation before the shipment, with attention to the special clearance regimes, making it possible to import a variety of items.
We have extensive know-how that goes beyond assistance on the export of products. We support in expanding networking and positioning your company in the global market. With our own work methodology, we help you to carry out business that allows you to expand your international customer portfolio.
We offer complete assistance for import and export planning, that allows you to minimize the tax burden in a lawful manner and without loss to the tax authorities. We have fiscal and tax benefits for the entire chain of federal charges, enabling cost reduction and boosting the negotiation profit margin.
We have developed a method aimed at the budgetary analysis of your operations, providing positive results through innovative solutions. With the evaluation of the characteristics of materials, services and mapping of the supplier market, we adapt the structure and operations, improving the quality of delivery and services.
Desenvolvido por: Agência do DG – agenciadodg.com.br